Born in 1991 in Biedenkopf, Germany, Anne Weber is a carpenter and artist who creates an intriguing and inspiring range of beautiful furniture.
Taking inspiration from time spent in Australia living within an Aborigine community, and learning German craftmanship over a number of years, the seeds of Channah Arts were planted. Now Channah Arts is an expression of art, culture and craftsmanship.
After experimenting with a variety of wood and methods of construction Anne found a combination of woodwork effects that fitted into her vision. Painstaking hours have been spent working with wood veneers which has only worked to increase the opportunities and level of art that can be combined with cabinets, tables and whatever furniture you can think of.
Inlay work is incredibly precise and delicate work. Each veneer has its own character and identity which dictate its own path by its physical limitations, and so the large complex pieces of art in the Channah Arts range required many hours of intense attention to detail and craft.

Wall art, tables, caskets and much much more have been created using this unique style, so take a look at what is available and if you see something you like dont hesitate to get in touch!
All the work is unique and handmade by Anne Weber, creator of Channah Arts